Let's Connect

Take the next step

This is the best part! We get to connect with you, get to know you, and what God is speaking to you! This is an opportunity to get together or come into agreement in the way we will communicate. Whether is in person, over the phone or by email. This is where you let us know which discipleship material you are interested in, whether its for you, your marriage, a group of friends, a group of families or your church. And we work with you as a team to bring God's Kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Let's Connect

Choose the teachings and seminars for you and your church! Let's meet up or give us a call to know each other. You can book our seminars and teachings. Nationwide coverage.


When is a seed to small to plant?

It is God who takes the smallest seed, makes it grow, multiply and become fruitful. God can multiply 2 little loaves and some fish to miraculously feed thousands. But nothing happens until we sow. Nothing happens until we give what we have to Him. Anything that you can donate will be to maintain all the equipment for the teaching: improving our videos, keeping the social media up to date. It will allow us to share this material and disciple MORE SOULS. Be sure you are investing in eternal things whether that is through us or another ministry that touches the nations.

By Mail

Jack & Nola
Nehmer Ministries INC
PO BOX 325
Big Rapids MI 49307

By Paypal

In Person