Our Projects

Victorious Christian Living

Built around a simple and reproducible Cycle of Discipleship: HEARING, APPLYING, and SHARING. The purpose of this study is to see new life in Christ become the daily living experience of each individual and family. We believe that only the appropriating and living of Christ's life produces genuine renewal. It's not something that I can attain. It's that which Christ has obtained for me.Three levels of training are available.

Knowing God

Is it possible to know the person of God? How can I apply this to my daily life? It's not just know things about God, but actually know Him. You will learn how to be one with God, starting by asking yourself these three questions in every part of this process: What does God say? What is He telling me to do? What am I willing to do?

Woman's Ministry

It's focused on women to turn their hearts to Go and cultivate their personal relationship with Him, so that may grow in love as a Bride without a wrinkle, spot or blemish. Thus they can fulfill the second great commandment: love their husbands, children, be caretakers of their home and love their neighbors with wisdom and discernment.

How and Why to study the Bible

This is a inductive study how and why to study the Word of God, not based on human opinions. If you are interested in knowing the person of God and loving Him above all things, this study is crucial. With the right observation and interpretation, we can have the correct practical application.